Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Mail per Telnet schreiben

Man benötigt nicht unbedingt ein Mail-Programm, um eine Mail bei einem SMTP-Server abzuliefern. Das Mailprogramm ist in der Regel einfach bequemer ;-). Man kann seine Mail auch per Telnet an den zuständigen Mailserver schicken:

$ telnet 25
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Beispiel


Delivery Status Notification (DSN)

Ausführliche Informationen gibt es in RFC 3463, aus dem diese Informationen entnommen sind. Dies hier soll nur eine kleine Übersicht sein - keine HTML-Version des RFC.

Status Code Structure

status-code = class "." subject "." detail
class = "2"/"4"/"5"
subject = 1*3digit
detail = 1*3digit


2.x.x - Success
Success specifies that the DSN is reporting a positive delivery action. Detail sub-codes may provide notification of transformations required for delivery.
4.x.x - Persistent Transient Failure
A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of some temporary condition has caused abandonment or delay of attempts to send the message. If this code accompanies a delivery failure report, sending in the future may be successful.
5.x.x - Permanent Failure
A permanent failure is one which is not likely to be resolved by resending the message in the current form. Some change to the message or the destination must be made for successful delivery.

Collected Status Codes

Other or Undefined Status

Address Status

Mailbox Status

Mail system status

Network and Routing Status

Mail Delivery Protocol Status

Message Content or Message Media Status

Security or Policy Status
